Radioactive Exit Sign Recycling – Priced per Sign Face 10 signs or more


SKU: EX-REC Category:


**Please note this item is for the recycling services only.  The return kit and shipping are sold separately.**

Tritium Exit Sign Recycling: Radioactive exit signs contain a gas called tritium (H-3) that provides illumination inside the sign.  The tritium is sealed in glass ampules inside the sign.  The signs are very durable and are manufactured to contain the tritium which has a 12.3 year half-life.  With time, a sign will not be as bright and requires replacement.  Exit sign end-of-life management is regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and radioactive exit signs are required to be properly managed.  A notice to the NRC must be made by the owner of the exit signs after shipment.  All exit signs are recycled to recover the tritium gas for the manufacture of new exit signs.

Recycling costs are $180 per sign face for quantities greater than 10 signs(A double sided sign = 2 sign faces.)  Pricing is for individual exit signs with activity not greater than 22 Ci.  This recycling service is also limited to exit signs that do not have damage to the inner tritium containing glass ampules.  If individual exit signs are greater than 22 Ci or are damaged, and may be leaking, contact customer service.

PLEASE NOTE: An inventory must be sent for approval prior to returning this kit.  Click Here for a complete information package with all forms and instructions required for the exit sign recycling program. Once your inventory is approved, we will contact you with a return material authorization (RMA) number authorizing your shipment to Curie.  Your kit will ship within 2 business days via UPS Ground service.  

Pricing is for any location in the lower 48 United States.