CuriePackSM Radioactive (Am-241) Smoke Alarm Recycling Kit-5 gallon (~25 Alarms)


SKU: CP05GHO Category:


**Please note this item is for the return kit and recycling services. There is no cost to return the kit to Curie.**

CuriePackSM is a one-of-a-kind, first-in-the-nation, pre-paid mail back system to facilitate the recycling of ionizing smoke alarms. The kit is cost-effective, easy to use and comes with detailed instructions.

The CuriePackSM kit includes the outer fiber box packaging, inner 5 gallon poly accumulation container, packaging instructions, DOT markings, prepaid UPS ground shipping both ways and recycling of the smoke alarms. CuriePackSM  kits are designed for shipping ≤5 µCi Americium 241 (Am-241) intact smoke alarms.

Prior to shipping, verify that alarms are Am-241 and 5 microcuries or less. This information is typically on the back of the alarm. If not, contact Curie prior to shipping. Activities >5 µCi Am-241, Ra-226 and Ni-63 alarms are acceptable but surcharges will apply

The CuriePackSM is designed to qualify as a DOT strong tight package for shipping as: UN2911, Radioactive materials – excepted package, articles, 7.  

The kit capacity is for approximately 25 to 30 intact smoke alarms and is ideal for homeowners and neighborhood collections. 

Please note: Unidentifiable or dissembled/stripped down smoke alarms are limited to two (2) per 5 gallon CuriePack and any amount above this will be surcharged at $11.00 per unit. 

Pricing is for any location in the lower 48 United States.