CuriePackSM Radioactive (Am-241) Smoke Alarm Recycling Kit-18 gallon (~100 Alarms)


SKU: CP18G Category:


CuriePackSM is a one-of-a-kind, first-in-the-nation, pre-paid mail back system to facilitate the recycling of ionizing smoke alarms. The kit is cost-effective, easy to use and comes with detailed instructions and DOT function specific training tailored for the shipment of this particular kit.

The CuriePackSM kit includes the outer fiber box packaging, inner 18 gallon poly accumulation container, packaging instructions, DOT markings, DOT function specific training and acknowledgement, prepaid UPS ground shipping both ways and the recycling of the smoke alarms. CuriePackSM kits are designed for shipping ≤5 µCi Americium-241 (Am-241) intact smoke alarms.

Prior to shipping, verify that alarms are Am-241 and 5 microcuries or less. This information is typically on the back of the alarm. If not, contact Curie prior to shipping. Activities >5 µCi Am-241, Ra-226 and Ni-63 alarms are acceptable but surcharges will apply.

The CuriePackSM is designed to qualify as a DOT strong tight package for shipping as: UN2911, Radioactive materials – excepted package, articles, 7.

The capacity is approximately 100 intact smoke alarms and is ideal for large businesses, e-waste processors, TSDs, large mobile HHW events and large permanent HHW collection facilities.

Please note: Unidentifiable or dissembled/stripped down smoke alarms are limited to six (6) per 18 gallon CuriePackSM and any amount above this will be surcharged at $10.00 per unit.   

A Certificate of Transfer and Recycling will be provided after receipt and processing of the smoke alarms.

Pricing is for any location in the lower 48 United States.